Teaching kids how to show Respect in the classroom.

Published by Krystal on

We all grow up learning “The Golden Rule”, which is to treat others the way you want to be treated, also known as–Respect. But what does that actually mean for kids? When you ask your students this question “How do you want to be treated” what’s their response?

I like to ask my students this question to get their minds wondering. You will be surprised with some of your students’ responses. Some may say they like to be treated kind, some may say they like when people treat them mean and others may say they don’t know how they would like to be treated. However your students respond, the following lesson will help them truly understand the “Golden Rule” and how to show it in the classroom.

I like to teach Respect in 4 steps: Watch, Discuss, Model and Practice.

Step 1: Have your students watch the following read aloud story.

Step 2: Have a discussion with your students around the story. Let them tell you something they learned. If they need questions to get their minds thinking, use the following:

  1. Can you relate to a character in the story? If so, which one and why.
  2. Why do you think David had a hard time at first showing Respect to his classmates?
  3. What do you think the moral of the story is? What was the lesson you got from the story?

Step 3: The best way to teach your students how to show respect in the classroom is by modeling it.

With this part of the lesson you will show your students how to be respectful in class. Use one of your students to help you model. Think of a scenario that will require respectful behavior or use the following..

  1. Your classmate is sharing aloud, but you really want to share too. So, you interrupt that person and begin talking.

This scenario does not show respectful behavior, but you can model with your students how to turn it around so that it does show respectful behavior!

Step 4: Practice

Now it’s time to allow your students time to practice. Let your students work in groups or pairs to act out the following:

  1. You see that your classmate needs a pencil.
  2. You accidentally step on someone’s shoe.

After each group or pair has a chance to act out both situations, have a few groups share how they showed respect. Then, ask the the class why they think it’s important to be respectful to others in the class. Make sure you mention to students the following (builds positive relationships, builds positive learning environment, promotes a safe and happy place for all).

Once the lesson is complete, for independent practice, I created an awesome activity sheet that will have students write and draw about how they plan to show respect. You can find a copy of the activity sheet at my TeacherspayTeachers store. Click the link: Here

Closure: Always show respect to your students. They are watching you and they learn from you!

Another great way to teach your students respect is by playing a game. I created this wonderful Good Manners Bingo below. You can also find this game at my Teachers Pay Teachers store: Click here


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