How to create a homemade break box for kids.

Published by Krystal on




Mom, my brother is messing with me. He keeps taking my stuff and I don’t like him messing with my things.

Sammy turns around screaming.

And this is the moment where me, my son, and his brother will need a break. We are all frustrated, wound up, and irritable, and no one is going to be happy until we all take a moment to reset.

When we reset, we use our homemade break boxes to help us calm down, compose ourselves and rejuvenate.

Break boxes are used in the classroom setting, but can also be effective at home.

Here are some of our favorite things that we use inside of our box….and tips on how to create a box using items you can find around your home.

The first item you will need is a tote, bin, or box to place all of your things inside.

Include bubbles as they are known to help calm or relax children. Bubbles are also good for practicing breathing techniques.

Play-doh! Not only is it fun, it promotes cognitive and motor development. With every mold and squeeze, children are processing ways to create shapes, pictures, letters, etc..

Legos or blocks are creative outlets. Both help develop fine motor skills, cognitive thinking, and tactile learning. Now, tell your child to go create a dinosaur and see what happens!

Have the child pick books that are soothing, enjoyable, and interesting to them before adding to the box.

Art materials such as construction paper, crayons, and markers will lighten up their day!

A composition notebook or spiral notebook will do the trick. Give them the notebook and let them go. Watch how the paper becomes a canvas used for expressing feelings and thoughts.

Puzzles are a great way to relax the mind. Putting the pieces together, a picture they will find!

You can find this particular puzzle at Target.

Clothespins: Not only will this help with fine motor skills, it will divert the attention away from the negative emotion.

Kids Meal Toys are awesome! Don’t throw them away, use them.

Voila…..The final product. A homemade break bin/box!

After you have assembled your box, give it a try!

1 Comment

Erin · February 3, 2021 at 9:06 pm

Such a great idea! Im going to make one for my big kids!!

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