Dear Future Me. A video every School Counselor should show to students.

Published by Krystal on

It’s on everyone’s mind.

You can’t escape it.

Looking past the present and into the future. A future that is post-pandemic. A future where all schools are back to face-to-face learning. A future where masks aren’t mandated and cities aren’t on a curfew. A future where your current students are Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Business Owners, Writers, Curators, Engineers, etc.

This future is coming, and when it does, how will our students remember the obstacles they have overcome? How will they remember the bravery, perseverance, and strength they showed throughout this current situation?

Dear Future Me is a video that shows a group of 6th and 7th graders writing a letter to their future selves. The letters vary but the effect is powerful!


Have your students write a letter to their future selves describing all of the challenges they’ve overcome (school work, COVID-19, lack of social interactions) and how those challenges made them a better person. They can write about goals they have accomplished or some of the mistakes they have learned from. There is no limit to what can be written.

After writing the letter, you can have them bury it–like a time capsule, give the letter to a loved one for safe keeping, or just put it away in a safe space.

This letter will help students to reflect on their feelings and think about their future and all of the endless possibilities!

1 Comment

Erin · February 7, 2021 at 9:08 pm

I love this and wish I had done something like this for myself when I was younger. I think this is a great activity to do at home with my boys, It’ll be something they cherish in the future!!

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