The best way to work with students who Bully others.

Published by Krystal on

Students bully others in school for different reasons. One reason could be jealousy, another reason could be them wanting to feel powerful, they may want attention or they could just want to be that person’s friend. Whatever the reason is…..

Bullying is never ok and it is important to find a way to work with students who Bully others so that this behavior stops.

So….what is a good way to work with students who bully? With small group instruction!

Small group instruction is one of the best ways to work with students who bully. With small group instruction, you will be able to reach students on a personal level and possibly get them to tell you their reason behind bullying others. It will allow students a chance to share openly, which may not happen in a large group setting.

Small group instruction is when you get about 4 to 6 students together who exhibit bullying behaviors and use differentiated instruction to work with them on correcting this negative behavior.

If you have a few students in mind and want to work with them in a smaller setting, see below for a great resource!

I’ve created an 8 week small group unit equipped with ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors and detailed lessons with interactive activities. Students will work collaboratively, cute-n-paste, role-play, draw, read and write.

See below for session details….

  • Session 1: Students will get to know each other with an ice breaker, create group rules and complete a self-assessment.
  • Session 2: Students will learn what it means to be a bully and different ways people bully others. They will read a scenario and work together or individually to answer a few questions.
  • Session 3: Students will continue to learn what it means to be a bully and the difference between teasing, being mean and bullying. They will work together to complete a cut-n-paste activity.
  • Session 4: Students will learn about empathy. They will read different situations and think about how others may feel. They will move into discussing how their actions can affect others.
  • Session 5: This session is all about choosing kindness. Students will discuss why it’s important to remain kind to others. They will write about a time when they chose kindness and draw a picture.
  • Session 6: Students will learn how to stop bullies by being an Upstander. They will read different scenarios and discuss how they will stop the bullying.
  • Session 7: Students will use all of the information they have learned throughout the group and apply it to different scenarios through role-play.
  • Session 8: Students will review information learned and complete a post-assessment.

Click here to access the Unit

Don’t forget to let me know what you think about the unit. Also, subscribe to my site, like the post and/or leave a comment below. I would love to connect with you!

Categories: Bullying


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